30 April 2011

Liberating Godly Biblical Education Vs. Free Pagan Public Schooling

Dare to Take the TEST: 8 Simple Questions Leading to a Logical & Wise Conclusion

Answer all eight questions honestly, keeping in mind that all education is religious, in one way or another, either overtly or covertly, because all education conveys a specific worldview, and that worldview is either centered around and based on God - or on man.

Q1: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to an Islamic school to be educated, if it were free?

Q2: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to a Hindu or Buddhist school to be educated, if it were free?

Q3: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to a Mormon school to be educated, if it were free?

Q4: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to a Jehovah Witnesses’ school to be educated, if it were free?

Q5: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to a New Age eastern mysticism school to be educated, if it were free?

Q6: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to a school run by a false cult to be educated, if it were free?

Q7: As a Christian parent, would you send your child to an atheistic communist or socialist state school to be educated, if it were free?

Q8: As a Christian parent, if you answered “no” to the first seven questions because they are all centered around and based on man and his explicitly human philosophies and because each one is in reality "anti-Christ," literally, against Christ and His commandments and truth,
then why would you send your child to an atheist, humanist, socialist, pagan government-controlled state school where the very real religion of secular humanism is taught every day? Is the half-truth that it is "free," (which it is not), the main motivating factor that would cause you to give your precious children who are made in the image of God over to Caesar, to be indoctrinated by ungodly and irreligious humanist-trained government employees in a compulsory government monopoly ...

Where God is prohibited and where your child is taught that He does not exist,

…Where a spirit of anti-Christ rules, where a spirit of lawlessness is being taught and modeled, and where a lying deceiving spirit is given complete freedom to teach your child that he evolved from slime (evolution) and has no eternal significance,

…Where man and his reason are worshiped as “god” and where vain imaginations and human philosophies are raised up against the knowledge of God,

…Where the Great Deceiver is given complete legal freedom to indoctrinate your child in his ways, to deceive him, to destroy any Christian beliefs and values he might have, and to build an ungodly pagan humanistic worldview as a stronghold in your child’s mind and heart,

…Where your child will be so thoroughly influenced by these demonic spiritual forces that he will naturally become conformed to this world and its ways,

…And where your child’s mind will NOT be renewed by the Spirit of Christ and the truth of God’s Word, but rather, will become defiled and corrupted by the spirit of anti-Christ and the lies and deceptive words of that old Deluder, Satan.

As a Christian parent, you are faced with making the choice between “free” (though it is anything but free) pagan schooling and liberating godly Biblical education for your child.

If you choose the atheist, socialist, humanist schooling that the state offers, simply for the reason that it is “free,” then your choice will cost you dearly because it will lead to its intended purpose which is to conform your child to the world, and thereby transform him into a pagan product of the state.

If you choose the liberating, godly, Biblical education that God requires you to provide for your child and which will cost you to provide, then your choice will be wise because it will lead to its intended purpose which is to conform your child to the image of Jesus and the will of God, and thereby transform him into a godly disciple of Jesus and an ambassador of Christ and His Kingdom.

You must forever live with the choice that you make, and with the eternal consequences your choice will have on your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, the Kingdom of God, and the world. I pray that you make the right choice, that you obey God and raise your child in the fear and admonition of the Lord, teaching him to obey all that Jesus has commanded us, and making it possible for him to love and to know God, which is eternal life. I pray that you will lead your child to eat from the Tree of Life, who is Jesus, and that you will not fall for the deceiver’s lies by leading your child to eat from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as our great grandmother, Eve, did so long ago. Choose this day for your children: I pray that you will choose life!

And here's the next logical question: What options do Christian parents have for providing their children with a liberating godly ?

1. Christian Homeschool – Parents teach their own children at home through the tutorial method using a Biblically-based Christ-centered curriculum. This approach is free, except for the cost of the curriculum and study materials, and presumes that at least one parent is willing to make themselves available to oversee the child’s education. In addition, parents can hire a private tutor to help in the more difficult subjects or can work with other parents in a homeschool “co-op” where other parents can provide teaching in subjects that one parent may not be knowledgeable in.

2. Christ-centered Biblically-based Christian School – Parents partner together with anointed godly teachers in educating their children in the Lord. Discernment must be used in choosing the right school because many “Christian” schools are based on the same foundations & philosophies as the pagan public schools, but with a Christian veneer and a few Bible verses thrown in. Parents must do their due diligence to ensure that the school truly is Christ-centered and Biblically-based, and that it is providing a truly and truly anointed godly teachers. This option will cost you because it is truly a valuable investment in your child’s future and because it costs money to pay quality teachers to pour themselves into your child, to pay for school overhead, to provide a high quality Christian curriculum, and to create an excellent learning environment. Tuition is usually paid in ten monthly installments ranging from $200 to $400 per month.

3. A Hybrid Approach Combining Christian Homeschool and Christ-centered Biblically-based Christian School – Parents provide a portion of their child’s education, while partnering with anointed godly teachers to assist them in teaching their child subjects that they are not knowledgeable in. Normally, parents will provide 100% of the instruction while their child is 5-12 years old, but as the child grows, the parents transfer more and more instruction time to the Christian School teachers (or to private tutors). For example, the parents might send their child to the Christian school two or three days a week from ages 12-14, and then send them four or five days a week from ages 15-18. This approach starts out basically free, and as the child grows, the cost begins to increase as the child spends more and more time partnering with the Christian school.

Thank you for visiting my blog on . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com. For assistance, contact at: Click here - ExodusMandate.org

27 April 2011

Robin Hood, Government Schools, and Educating Christian Children God's Way

I would like to share with you one of the best satires I've read on government schools written by Israel Wayne.

Below is the link to his website and the article that you won't want to miss. Please forward this blog post to your friends and families so they can also benefit from the insight it provides.

School Satire entitled: "Robin Hood & the Government Schools," by Israel Wayne

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." - Thomas Jefferson

"Unjust and unlawful is any monopoly, educational or scholastic, which physically or morally forces families to make use of government schools, contrary to the dictates of their Christian conscience, or contrary to their legitimate preferences." - Pope Pious XI, 1931

Below is a YouTube video of Israel Wayne sharing about the focus of his ministry.

Thank you for visiting my blog on . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com. For assistance, contact at: Click here - ExodusMandate.org

24 April 2011

Christian Biblical Worldview Education Mandate: Parents Educating Generations for Christ

Our purpose is to strengthen Christian parents and families through the awareness of and obedience to the Christian . Our mission at Educating Generations for Christ is to inspire, motivate, educate, and equip Christian parents to obey God's by providing their children with a truly Christ-centered, Bible-based education, primarily through or by partnering with a high quality Christian worldview school.

This education mandate must become the priority of the church, and the first step is to call all Christian parents to remove their children from the government public school system which is ungodly, anti-Christian, and founded on the religion of secular humanism where man is exalted and worshiped and God is denied and opposed. The harsh truth about public schools is that they are corrupting and destroying Christian children morally, spiritually, and intellectually, and this leads to 88% of these children falling away from their faith and falling in love with the world and self. The most important and powerful thing you can do to save your children from following after the world is to remove them immediately from the government school system and then to take personal responsibility for providing them with a godly, holy, Christ-centered, Bible-based education.

We are here to help you make this exodus and transition into educating your children for Christ and doing it God's way. True education is about being reconciled with your Creator through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross, submitting your will and life to Him, becoming transformed by allowing the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to renew your mind, discovering who God is in all His glory and character and goodness, learning to know His voice and love Him whole-heartedly, following Him and His commandments, and growing in a living and loving relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ (Yahshua Messiah).
The beginning of all true education, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is and always has been - the reverential holy and the knowledge of the Holy One, in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The Bible begins with these five eternally significant words related to education: "In the beginning God created..." and then in the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word (Logos)..." To truly educate our children, we must begin with God our Creator (not with man and humanism) who created all things by His great power and wisdom, and it is this living and eternal God who gives wisdom and understanding to those who fear Him and love Him.

For more information or to stay informed, please visit our Facebook page:
Christian Biblical Worldview Education Mandate and Exodus

Thank you for visiting my blog on . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com. For assistance, contact at: www.ExodusMandate.org