28 August 2014

Teach Your Children the Reverential Fear of Jehovah their God

God our Father desires that we learn the holy reverential fear of Jehovah, so that we may stay focused on our duty to God and to others, and to prevent our sinning against God.  We must always have in our mind and hearts a holy reverence of God's majesty and holiness. We must carry in our hearts a dread of God's displeasure and an obedient regard to His sovereign authority over us. This holy fear will quicken us to our duty and make us circumspect in our walk with the Lord.

Parents must understand that all education of children begins with the reverential fear of Jehovah, for this is the only beginning foundation stone for true wisdom. If we want our children to love the Lord and to grow in wisdom and knowledge, then we must teach them the reverential fear of Jehovah. We are called to teach them through the Word of God and His commandments, as well as by our daily modeling and example. God cares that His children keep His commandments, and He tells us that they are not burdensome. Once a person is born again by the Holy Spirit, then God's Spirit within him will give him the power and the grace to keep God's commandments and be pleasing to Him in all that they are, do, and speak. Teach your children to know and treasure God's commandments in their hearts, that they might not sin against Him and be pleasing to Him in all their ways.

The evidence that our children are growing in the fear of Jehovah is that they will develop a love for God and for His commandments, and as a result, they will delight in doing His commandments. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15

The good fruit or works of obedience are the real test of love. The fear of Jehovah is the foundation, the love of God is the heart motivation, and the obedience to God's commandments is the fruit or result. 
Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

08 December 2012

Educate Haiti for Christ with Eben-Ezer Mission

Our ministry, Educating Generations for Christ, is partnering with Eben-Ezer Mission and the Christian University of Haiti (Université Chrétienne d’Haïti or UCH), to implement Principle Approach education in the university and their schools. Eben-Ezer Mission is an indigenous ministry pioneering Christian education in Haiti, and through their network of schools, co-ops, churches, and community organizations, has a tremendous influence across the nation. God has now positioned them to implement Principle Approach education in their schools and university, and then to reach out and train Christian teachers all over Haiti to follow their lead and lay a solid Biblical foundation for the next generation and beyond. “Principle Approach education is the historic method of Biblical reasoning that makes the truths and principles of God’s Word the basis of every subject in the school curriculum. We are amazed at the level of passion and commitment these Eben-Ezer Mission leaders have displayed against all odds, as they trust God to use Christian education to lay a new foundation upon Christ and His Word for their university, their schools, and for schools all over Haiti. But much help is needed!

Friberg's with Educators from Haiti
Josiah has been appointed by Eben-Ezer Mission to oversee all educational training and professional development of the faculty and staff for the Christian University of Haiti and Eben-Ezer Schools. Under Josiah’s leadership, UCH is now being restructured and transformed into a Principle Approach based Christian university that will offer three degree programs in 2013: Teaching & Education, Bible & Theology, and Administration & Management. In time, five other degree programs will be added: engineering, agronomy, communications, music & arts, and medicine. Josiah is responsible for laying the foundation of a Christian philosophy and methodology of education and for establishing the first Christian Teachers’ College in Haiti. The Teachers’ College will train teachers for all of Eben-Ezer’s schools, as well as teachers from all districts of the country.  

The poverty of Haiti is well known and recently exacerbated by earthquakes and hurricanes. Christians long to see Haiti prosper and enjoy civil liberty, but the only lasting help for Haiti is to establish Biblical principles of life and self-government in the hearts of the next generation. Would you help send the Friberg family to Haiti to educate and disciple Haiti into a Christian nation by making a contribution to this ministry? Finances are needed for airline tickets, moving expenses, shipping a container and a vehicle, living expenses, family needs, and educational training materials. Material supplies are also needed. By helping send the Fribergs to train leaders in Christian education, you will be helping to lay the foundation for a new Christian Haiti of tomorrow. We know the best way to disciple a nation is through the education of its children. Teaching Biblical principles is the key to bringing Haiti out of its impoverished state and into the full liberty of Christ. Help the Fribergs make this possible!
Eben-Ezer Mission was founded in 1969 by Pastor Michel Morisset in Gonaives. It is one of the oldest indigenous Protestant mission organizations in Haiti whose broad influence has reached across the nation for 43 year. Its ministries include the Christian University of Haiti, several Christian schools, a vocational school, a national education network, several churches, a Christian hospital, a Christian Credit Union Co-op, an agricultural network, an orphanage, etc. Eben-Ezer Mission pioneered the first Christian secondary school in Gonaives and established the first Christian university in Haiti. Would you come as a short-term worker to help serve God with us?

We are now recruiting godly Christian professors for UCH who have a strong Biblical worldview and solid Christian character, who are trained or willing to be trained in Principle Approach education, who are experienced teachers with a passion for teaching and for truth, and who are willing to temporarily lay down their lives to serve the Lord in Haiti where He is transforming a nation for His glory. Retired, self-supporting, experienced, and successful professionals with graduate degrees in their field of expertise would be highly valued.

If you would like to partner with us to disciple and educate Haiti’s next generation for Christ, donations can be sent to:
Educating Generations for Christ,
P.O. Box 1110, Moravian Falls, NC  28654 
Donations can also be made online at our ministry website: www.educateforchrist.org

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

09 September 2012

John Milton on the Purpose of Education

I encourage every parent and teacher to consider deeply the purpose of education.

In this famous quote, John Milton reveals a profound insight into the true meaning and purpose of learning and education:

"The end of learning is to repair the ruin of our first parents
by regaining to know GOD aright,
and out of that knowledge
to love Him, to imitate Him, to be like Him." 

I challenge every parent to devote themselves to researching the Bible to find the true purpose and goal of education from the mouth of GOD Himself...

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

18 August 2012

God Give Us True Christ-centered Teachers' Colleges

The Puritans began arriving in the Massachusetts Bay Colony around 1630, and within six short years they had established the first college in America known as Harvard College. Its purpose was to train ministers and missionaries and other leaders who knew God and Jesus Christ His Son. This original mission statement reveals that they really understood what true Christian education was. Today, more than ever, America needs Christian schools, colleges, and universities built on the same foundation, which is Jesus Christ who is the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. Tragically, Harvard College was taken over by liberal Unitarians in 1805.

More than any other type of college, the church in America today needs several excellent Christ-centered, Biblically-based, Principle Approach TEACHERS' COLLEGES to train up a new generation of Christian teachers who have a Christian philosophy of education, a sound Biblical worldview, Biblical methods of teaching and learning, and a solid Biblical worldview curriculum. We can no longer afford to have our Christian teachers trained by secular humanists and Marxists in the state universities, and we can no longer tolerate having our Christian teachers being trained in "Christian" colleges and universities that have been saturated with humanism and are nearly indistinguishable from the education departments of the state universities. Instead of being 90% alike in their educational philosophy and teaching methodology, true Christ-centered teachers' colleges will be and must be 100% different in all aspects. God Almighty, El-Shaddai, hear my cry and give us teachers' colleges worthy of Your name, worthy of Christian children, faithful to Your Word and to the Truth, uncompromising, bold, creative, and founded on the only foundation worthy of true Christian education - the LORD Jesus Christ.

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

01 August 2012

Clash of the Worldviews: Noah Webster Vs. John Dewey

Could it be any clearer than this? Here we have two American educational "fathers" with diametrically opposing worldviews. Noah Webster represents the Biblical and Christian worldview, based on the truth and authority of God's holy Word, the Bible. On the other hand, John Dewey represents the anti-Christian atheistic humanist worldview, based on humanism, a rejection of God, and paganism.

From these two "fathers," America has developed two very different educational systems. Our original Christian colonial-era education is known as the Christian classical educational system or what is called "the Principle Approach" to education. This system was founded by the early Christian pioneers such as the Pilgrims and Puritans of Massachusetts. Noah Webster helped catapult it and advance it with his 1828 Dictionary and his many publications of Biblically-based curricula. This system continues today to some degree through Christian home schools, through Biblical worldview Christian schools, and most completely through Principle Approach® Christian worldview schools.

The other system is the public school system of state education. It is built on the foundation of John Dewey and his anti-Christian philosophy of humanism, atheism, naturalism, evolution, and moral relevance. It is this system which is destroying our children spiritually, morally, and intellectually. It is this "Dewey" system that is destroying our entire culture and it's spiritual and moral foundations. It is this system that Christian parents need to reject and separate from, and in its place, these parents can draw on America's Christian heritage and provide their children with a godly Christian education through home schooling or Christian worldview schools or Principle Approach schools.

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

26 July 2012

Public Education's Role in a Socialist Society

This quote is by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, one of the most respected Christian educators in the nation. 

God has given him the prophetic insight and understanding to see that public education and the income tax are at the heart of the agenda of the Left to transform America into a socialist, ungodly, controlled society in the image of socialist Europe. 

If Americans truly want to be a free people who are self-governed and who enjoy the liberty and inalienable rights given to us by our Creator - then we must get rid of these two institutions which are designed to keep America in bondage and transform her into a godless, secular, non-Christian socialist society.

I encourage you to do your own research on this truth. Study the totalitarian governments of the 20th century, and you will find government-controlled "free" public education as one of the main supporting pillars that created a dumbed-down, submissive, morally corrupt citizenry who were enslaved by a totalitarian state that had all the power. Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, and communism under every title has been built on these two fundamental pillars.

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

17 July 2012

The Education of Children for God Is Every Parent's Primary Purpose

"The education of children for God
is the most important business done on earth.
It is the one business for which the earth exists.

To it all politics, all war, all literature,
all money-making, ought to be subordinated;

and every parent especially ought to feel, every hour of the day,
that, next to making his own calling and election sure, 
this is the end for which he is kept alive by God
--this is his task on earth."

Quote by  R. L. Dabney

Robert Lewis Dabney was a great American Christian theologian, a Southern Presbyterian pastor, and Confederate Army chaplain. He was also Chief of Staff and biographer for General Stonewall Jackson. 

Dabney rightly saw God's perspective on education, which is a multi-generational vision of according to Psalm 78:4-7, Deuteronomy 6:5-7, and Matthew 28:18-20.

God has always assigned this greatest task, this most important business, to Christian parents; that is, to the family and the home, and never to the government or state. This is the primary purpose of every parent and the main reason that God gives parents the gift and stewardship of His children.

God our heavenly Father desires "godly offspring" (Malachi 2:15) and has commanded all Christian parents to "tell the generations to come the praises of the Lord" so that they should teach their children and their grandchildren "to put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments (Psalm 78:5,7)." I encourage every Christian to meditate upon Psalm 78:1-11 before the Lord day after day for twenty-one days, asking the Spirit of Truth to give you a revelation of the mind of Christ regarding how to educate your children according to Christ, how to educate your children for God.

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.

16 July 2012

The IndoctriNation of Public Schools Vs. Educating Generations for Christ

I strongly encourage you to watch this trailer for a recently released  made by two award-winning Christian documentary directors/producers, Colin Gunn and Juaquin Fernandez. These guys just won the BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM AWARD!

This is an in-depth look at the state of  in America, what philosophies  is built upon, how it compares to God's plan for parents to educate generations for Christ according to the truth and principles of God's Word, and how this government monopoly institution is destroying Christianity in America - by systematically corrupting America's  and destroying them spiritually, morally, and intellectually.

IF you are truly a "lover of the truth"
and willing to listen to the facts objectively,
IF your heart is open to hear what the Spirit is saying,

THEN dare to watch the trailer...

Now that this movie has been released, make a commitment to yourself and to God to do whatever it takes to watch this .

This film is a prophetic wake-up call to all 

This film puts its finger on an American "idol" and "tradition" that has exalted itself above God and has caused millions of American Christians to hand their children over to the "god" of statism, socialism, and humanism, and it's all because of slothfulness, covetousness, pleasure, and convenience. Many of us Christian parents are guilty of "slothfulness," which is the immoral behavior of choosing to do the easy thing, the convenient thing, the comfortable thing, rather than doing the RIGHT THING...

DO the RIGHT thing! It's not too late to DO the RIGHT thing.

It's not too late for you to take personal responsibility for educating your children the way that God Almighty REQUIRES of all who claim to know Him, love Him, and follow Him.

Here's a short segment of an interview with Ken Ham on Creation vs. Evolution: Is God's Word Your Foundation?

This is basic Christianity, and this issue is most importantly an issue of OBEDIENCE to GOD and to the commandments of Jesus Christ, who said:

"If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word..." John 14:23

"He who does not love Me does not keep My Words..." John 14:24

"If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:31-32

If you would like to get a copy of this important documentary, please contact our ministry.

Thank you for visiting my blog on of . This is asking you to check back often for my most recent postings on , , , , and the . Consider adding my RSS FEED so you can keep up to date on godly . This article was posted by Josiah Friberg of , on his Christian Education blog: www.alleducationisreligious.blogspot.com.